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SSAT考试类比题词汇总结 brevity������ n.简短,简洁 shortness or conciseness of expression brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature exaggeration:caricature=brevity:epigram bribe�� v. & n. 贿赂,收买 to induce or influence by or as if by bribery bribe:incorruptible=affect:insensible bridle������� v.� 限制,阻止 to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle bridled←→without restraint brisk�� a. 敏锐的,凛冽的,活泼的 keenly alert:LIVELY ponderous←→lively/vibrant/briskly bristle������ n. 硬毛 v. 气势汹汹,直立,发怒,充满 to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance (as in response to a slight) bristle←→cower brittle������ a. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的 easily broken, cracked, or snapped manifest:perceive=brittle:break broach������� v. ①开瓶 ②提出(问题) to open for the first time broach←→close off bromide������ n. 溴化物(镇静药用),平庸的人或物 a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion equivocation:misleading=bromide:hackneyed browbeat����� vt.� (用神情、言词) 威吓; 严词厉色地斥责 instigator:incite=bully:browbeat bruit�� vt. 散播 to noise abroad:REPORT bruit←→keep secret buck���� n. ①雄鹿 ②美元� v. (马)跳跃,反对,吹牛,闲聊 to ruse assent:BALK buck←→assent to bucolic������ adj. 乡村的,牧羊的 relating to or typical of rural life palatial:hovel=city:bucolic bucolic←→urban budge�� vi. 移动,微微一动,放弃 to give way:YIELD palter:candor=diehard:budge buffoon������ n.丑角,缺乏教养之人 a ludicrous figure:CLOWN ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag bully�� n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸 one habitually cruel to others who are weaker instigator:incite:bully:browbeat�� underdog←→bully bumper������� n. 缓冲器,满杯,丰收 a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage protocol:blunder=bumper:damage bumptious���� a. 瞎自夸的,瞎自大的,傲慢的 presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive:OBTRUSIVE dour:geniality=bumptious:humbleness impetuous:vacillation/hesitation=bumptious:humbleness bumptious←→humble bung���� n. (桶口等的) 塞子 the stopper especially in the bunghole of a cask bungle������� vt.vi. 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造,失败 to act or work clumsily and awkwardly bungle←→bring off buoy���� vt. 使浮起,支撑,鼓励 SUPPORT, UPLIFT buoyed←→unsupported buoyant������ adj.易浮的,快乐的 a:capable of floating b:CHEERFUL, GAY bend:rigid=submerge:buoyant=dissolve:insoluble hangdog←→buoyant buoyant←→sink

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