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  Schools in Sri Lanka have been banned from imposing dress codes on parents visiting the premises.


  It comes after a poster outside one elite private school, which dictated what women should wear when picking up their children, sparked an outcry.


  The notice said that saris and loose dresses were allowed - but not skirts, or strappy or sleeveless tops.


  Several state and private schools in Sri Lanka have been known to turn away parents because of their outfits.


  Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Sri Lanka’s education minister, told the BBC that many parents, especially mothers, had complained to him about the restrictions.

  斯里兰卡的教育部长Akila Viraj Kariyawasam告诉BBC,很多家长尤其是女性向其抱怨这项限制措施。

  "Schools cannot decide what attire parents should wear," he said.


  "Mothers especially were facing problems because of these dress codes... Most working mothers don’t always wear saris. Some have uniforms, and they are compelled to wear a sari in the morning just to drop their children off at school, and then change to go to work."


  Mr Kariyawasam said he had sent a circular to all schools, telling principals they could not place restrictions on what parents wore.


  He said: "Any mother will know how to dress to attend a school, and a dress that is appropriate to the school environment should be fine.


  "The world has changed now. We should also adapt with that. "


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