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  10. Upstairs Downstairs (1971-1975)


  Dramas about class divisions are as British as windy moors, and the soapy goings-on at 165 Eaton Place, home to the wealthy Bellamys and their servants, captivated audiences worldwide in its initial run in the early ’70s.


  9. I, Claudius (1976)


  The miniseries, charting the rise of a stammering Roman emperor, managed to be just as dishy and enjoyable with fewer funds. Most deserving of praise is the obscenely talented cast.


  8. Sherlock (2010–)


  Much of the British series’ acclaim is owed to Steven Moffat‘s clever update of Holmes’s tales from 19th century London to the Digital Age. But credit must be given to Benedict Cumberbatch, an actor of endless intellectual and comedic gifts, who has vigorously shaken the cobwebs off the legendary detective.


  7. MI-5 (2002–)


  In an early episode, a lead character gets offed in an absolutely gruesome fashion. No one is safe in this spy drama. This is true white-knuckle, so-suspensul-it’s-nauseating drama.


  6. State of Play (2003)


  This drama is about ambitious journalists investigating a political conspiracy. Bill Nighy is in his best role to date as shrewd news editor Cameron Foster.


  5. Prime Suspect (1991–2006)


  A “less dark” version of the British crime thriller: Helen Mirren‘s DCI Jane Tennison doggedly struggled against obstacles both external (assorted killers, sexism on the force) and internal (her addictions).


  4. Life On Mars (2006–2007)


  The opening credits of Life On Mars set up the show’s whole concept. And the writers used the retro setting to explore racism and sexism in ’70s England.


  3. Pride & Prejudice (1995)


  Considering the numerous adaptations of this Jane Austen classic, Fitzwilliam Darcy has been played by everyone from Laurence Olivier to Matthew Macfadyen, but it was Colin Firth, and his iconic self-baptism in that lake, that made legions of fans swoon.


  2. North and South (2004)


  A Southern minister’s daughter fights an attraction to a repressed Northern cotton mill owner whom she initially disdains. The miniseries transformed Richard Armitage from a little-known stage and screen actor into one of Britain’s leading heartthrobs.


  1. Doctor Who (1963–)


  It’s about an alien from the planet Gallifrey who jet-sets around time and space in a blue police box. Does that make it any less a drama than, say, Cracker? (BAFTA couldn’t resist awarding the long-running sci-fi series its coveted “Best Drama” trophy back in 2006.)


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