

美国总统大选 “特朗普猫”成时尚.

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:514 移动端

  Internet pranksters have started posting photographs of cats which look like US presidential hopul Donald Trump.


  Cat owners have been posting the hilarious images along with the tagline #TrumpYourCat.


  The images have started going viral as Donald Trump campaigns for the final few hours bore the Super Tuesday contest which will likely determine whether he becomes the Republican's presidential nominee.


  And regardless of whether you're a Democrat, Republican or just a member of the pizza party, we can all unite under the beli that these cats are freakin' hilarious.


  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to #TrumpYourCat, either. According to the TrumpYourCat Instagram page -- which shares images of furry friends rockin' toupees alongside pompous quotes from Trump -- all you have to do is brush your cats and use the hair as a makeshift toupee.


  The trend has been around for awhile but has recently really started to take off on social media.


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