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  Christmas Day is for eating, drinking, watching bad TV - and trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realise your husband's Aunt Maude has spent her pension on your present while you bought her a set of hankies.


  Here, FEMAIL has asked experts including dating gurus and personal shoppers for their top tips on present-buying etiquette to ensure the only thing that's red this Christmas is Rudolf's nose.


  Spend: New romance £20-50; long-term couples £100-£150


  'If you've just started seeing someone you don't need to spend a fortune,' says dating guru James Preece (www.aoji.cn


  'It's much better to impress them with your imagination by choosing a gift that’s a little bit different. £20 is about the right amount, with a maximum of £50 if you can afford it.'


  Or you don't even need to go that far, says relationship expert and founder of BeLoveCurious.com, Helen Rice. Plan to spend a romantic evening together or have a fun day out. Feel free to give the person you're dating something thoughtful, just don't spend a lot of money.'

  “或者根本没必要想那么多。”人际专家、www.aoji.cn网站创始人海伦·赖斯(Helen Rice)说。“安排一次浪漫的晚餐或出去开心玩一天。随意送一些花心思的玩意儿给你约会的对象,只是不要花很多钱在上面。”

  'If you're in a long-term relationship then your budget really rlects on your personal situation,' adds James. 'You don't need to go crazy, but it's a great opportunity to show you love and appreciate them.


  'It's also best to buy a few cheaper presents rather than one big one. Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping, so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.'


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