


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:639 移动端


  outrageous: 活泼的,有趣的


  adj.粗暴的; 无法容忍的; 反常的; 令人惊讶的;

  最高级:most outrageous比较级:more outrageous


  1.The fact that you are an idiot has nothing to do with his outrageous behaviour. 虽说你是个白痴,但这不说明他的无耻行为有任何道理。

  www.aoji.cn comments are pretty darn outrageous in nearly every facet. 费舍尔的评论无论从哪方面看都非常离谱。

  article.yeeyan.org3.It's not outrageous to ask someone one or two hours off to stick to your schedule. 要求某些人一两个小时完全按你的时间表工作不是不可容忍的。

  article.yeeyan.org4.In america the republicans are guilty of outrageous obstructionism and misleading simplification, while mrobama has favoured class warfare over fiscal leadership. 美国共和党应对骇人的阻挠手段和误导性的简化感到羞愧,而奥巴马在财政方面钟意于阶级斗争。

  www.aoji.cn main sale on january 28th includes some lovely pictures, and many of the estimates are far fromoutrageous. 1月28日的主拍会包括了一些极具吸引力的画作,其中许多作品的估价远谈不上高不可攀。

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