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  “Somebody lost a laptop just two dormitories down from ours,” says the 22-year-old junior at Hainan University. “We are just being cautious.”


  He has every reason to be. According to Legal Daily, of all campus crimes reported nationwide, 80 percent are thts. “Most thts on campus happen in dormitories,” reported the newspaper last week. Dormitory safety becomes even more of an issue on the verge of graduation season, so students had better stay sharp.


  Rampant tht


  According to Haikou police, dormitory tht has been “rampant” in the last two months. In March alone, a dozen laptops were stolen at Hainan University, Hainan Medical College lost 11 laptops, and Hainan Normal University reported the loss of seven laptops and a camera.


  Li Wei, police chi of Meilan district in Haikou, says that the concentration of valuable items in student dormitories makes them a primary target for criminal gangs.


  “For thieves, students, who often let their guard down, are easy prey,” says Li.


  Yue and his peers often leave their laptop on the desk and dormitory door ajar when chatting with friends in another dormitory or grabbing a snack outside. Yue says he is among a majority of students who don’t recognize the potential risk of living a “careless” life in their dormitory.


  “We live in our dormitory as we live at home,” says Yue. “We don’t see any danger. But from now on I think we should stay alert.”


  According to Tong Weihua, a law professor at Hainan University, it’s not only students that should be cautious. Colleges themselves need to introduce more security measures to minimize the potential risks.


  “Dormitory management at some colleges is chaotic – people just come and go without their identity being checked,” says Tong. “Colleges can lower the risks significantly by including safety systems in the management of dormitories.”


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