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  Did you know that today 25% of all partnerships start online?For my mother,that&aposs still something strange,huh?Something wicked,dangerous,and so on.This is of course nonsense.It&aposs not just perverts in the internet.


  Nicholas:This man is free of conventions,fears,doubts.No woman can put himn in chains,no enemy to stop him.This man is an urban jungle warrior.Always looking for adventure,always in fight and sexual readiness.He enjoys life to the fullest.And...No matter what will happen this man is determined on his path.The path to his masculine truth.And along the way he uses his eye cream,shaving cream,deodorant,Shampoo,toilet water,peeling,Anti-wrinkle cream.The complete skin care line.


  Priest:And so I ask you,Niklas Michalke,do you want to be a loving and faithful husband to Laura Sandner,till death do you part?Are you really prepared to restrict your sexual energy to a single vagina,and always on the same pair of breasts?Where "always the same pair" is put very optimistically,Niklas.We all know what the force of gravity can do.Are you one of those whiners,who get the total crisis with 40 and try to repeat their youth?What kind of man are you?


  Being in love is the most beautiful thing in the world.One is proud of it.


  Not everyone can rightfully claim that,he at some time fought with a crocodile and survived.


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