

Lolita Davidovich和James Frain加入《真探》.

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  SpoilerTV have learned that Lolita Davidovich and Intruders star James Frain are joining the cast of the upcoming second season of HBO’s True Detective as recurring.

  SpoilerTV网站了解到Lolita Davidovich和《Intruders》明星James Frain加入HBO美剧《真探》,成为第二季的常规演员。

  Davidovich will play Kitsch’s mother Nancy Simpson, a former showgirl continually sucking on cigarettes and margaritas as she mourns the loss of male sexual attention.

  Davidovich将会扮演Kitsch的妈妈Nancy Simpson,她之前是当广告女郎的,随着年龄的增长失去了异性的注目,这让她终日以烟酒消愁。

  What little of her hopes remain she has transferred onto her adult son, who, in her eyes, is God’s gift to women. Frain will play Jf Hunt, a ruthless police lieutenant.

  而她微笑的希望则放在了自己成年儿子的身上,在她眼里,这是上天赐予她的礼物。Frain将会扮演一个名叫Jf Hunt的警察副队长,这人生性粗鲁。

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