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  "Hannibal" has just started production on Season 3, and like seasons past, it will divide its 13 episodes into two arcs. The first half will deal with Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) and Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) on the run overseas, and showrunner Bryan Fuller already has a plan for how it will play out visually.

  和前几季一样,《汉尼拔》第三季的拍摄工作在每年的这个时候开始,第三季仍然会有13集,分为两个部分播出。第一部分将会讲述Hannibal Lecter和Dr. Bedelia Du maurier在海外的生活和故事,制片人Bryan Fuller已经为这一部分的拍摄做好了万全的准备。

  But Fuller already has some big plans beyond that for Season 3. He confirms to Zap2it that he plans to introduce "a lot of the &aposRed Dragon&apos characters in the third season. We&aposll be seeing Francis Dolarhyde and Molly [Foster] and Reba [McClane]."

  而制片人对第三季的后半段也有了一个大计划。他向Zap2it介绍“《汉尼拔》电影版前传《红龙》的很多角色都会在美剧版的第三季出现。我们将会看到《红龙》的Francis Dolarhyde和Molly,还有Reba。”

  With Fuller&aposs plan to have Season 4 cover "Red Dragon" territory, it&aposs a no-brainer that Season 3 would introduce the woman who would later become Will Graham&aposs wife, Molly Foster. Fuller says no actress has been cast for the role yet, since she&aposs going to be introduced midway through Season 3.

  Fuller想用第四季讲述《红龙》的故事的话,第三季中先介绍一部分角色是再明知不过的决定了。而Will Graham的妻子Molly Foster也将在这个时候被介绍给观众。Fuller表示虽然小茶杯的未来妻子将会在第三季中间部分出现,不过目前还没有选定扮演这个角色的女演员。

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