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  10 Things Girls ALWAYS Do in Movies and NEVER Do in Real Life


  All this teary talk of Nora Ephron (seriously, I&aposve spent most of this day pinning her best quotes on Pinterest) has me thinking about chick flicks, and what we love about them.


  Not many people can really nail the true-to-life rom-com like Nora did--but we&aposre a forgiving moviegoing bunch, I think, and more often than not, we excuse unrealistic behavior in romantic comedies.


  Still, it has to be said, some of this stuff never, ever happens--unless you tell me otherwise:


  10. Answering the phone without saying hello, and hanging it up without saying goodbye. (This one goes for all people in movies.)

  10. 接起电话但没有“喂”,挂电话前不说“再见”(电影里的人物都会使用这个桥段。)

  9. Going bonkers over a bouquet. (Really. You might get that one outlier at a wedding who&aposs had six chardonnays and a wild look in her eye all night. But two of &aposem?)

  9. 疯狂地去接花束(真的。你可能会在结婚典礼上看到有一个外人会这样,喝了6瓶夏敦埃酒,整个晚上都疯疯癫癫的。但看到两个?不大可能)

  8. Having hair like this at the beach.


  7. Looking this cute during workout time--and, while I&aposm at it, having full-on conversations during a run or a spin class. Are you kidding?


  6. Living alone in fabulous apartments (often with roof decks) in super expensive cities.

  6. 在超级昂贵的城市,独自在豪华的公寓(常带有屋顶平台)居住

  5. Hanging out with a group of friends, at home, in your underwear. When your clothes are right in the other room. I think this one was invented for the boyfriends who get dragged along.

  5. 穿着内衣内裤在家里和朋友聚会。当在另一个房间穿着这样的衣服才是对的时候。我认为这个是为拖着脚走的男朋友们设计的桥段吧。

  4. Having ridiculously high-powered jobs, like, one year out of college. I distinctly remember being angry right there in the theater when I heard that Lindsay Lohan was some kind of hotshot PR exec in Just My Luck. In real life, she was 20 at the time. Of course, having paid to go and see Just My Luck in the theater, I had no one to blame but myself.

  4. 比如毕业一年之后就得到荒谬的高层工作。我清晰的记得,当我在电影院听说林赛•罗韩在现实生活中就是个像在《倒霉爱神》中的公关高级行政人员时,我都快气炸了,她当时才20岁啊。当然了,自己花钱到电影院看《倒霉爱神》,我只能怪自己了。

  3. Being able to run in heels like these...

  3. 穿着高跟鞋还能像这样跑...

  2. But then falling down for no reason in all other situations. So klutzy and cute!

  2. 然后没有任何缘由的跌倒了。笨拙的同时还要装可爱!

  1. Giving this exact response when asked on a date: "I&aposd like that."

  1. 当被约会时,做出这样的反应并说:“乐意奉陪。”

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