


刚刚更新 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:219 移动端


  Beijing faces up to failure in Xinjiang

  The dramatic failure of China’s containment strategy for a long-running insurgency in the remote northwestern region of Xinjiang poses a grave policy challenge for Beijing.


  The conflict, involving Muslim Uighurs who object to Chinese control of their energy-rich homeland, burst into the country’s heartland in a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 33 people in the southwestern city of Kunming on Saturday night. The deadly assault by machete-wielding assailants, who struck at the city’s main railway station, also raises questions about whether the Chinese government’s hardline response to Uighur “separatism” has succeeded only in creating a more intractable crisis.


  No group has claimed responsibility for the attack but Beijing has always maintained its conflict in Xinjiang is with unspecified “separatist” elements rather than with “Uighur” activists. The distinction is important because it suggests that external or hostile forces – rather than the government’s own policies – are to blame for tensions in strategically important regions such as Xinjiang and Tibet.


  More than 100 people were killed in clashes in Xinjiang last year, mostly in remote areas where conflicting accounts of the incidents could not be independently checked.


  The massacre in Kunming is the second time the conflict has spilled beyond Xinjiang’s borders since October, when three Uighurs drove a vehicle into a crowd in Tiananmen Square. Although a highly symbolic attack at the centre of China’s capital, it killed only two bystanders.


  Saturday’s mass killing, by contrast, was shocking for both its location and its death toll. In Kunming yesterday clear blue skies and blooming flowers added to the sense of disbeli at what had occurred less than 48 hours earlier.


  “The number of casualties and the impact of the violence are unprecedentedly high,” said Li Wei, an antiterrorism expert at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

  “伤亡人数和暴力行为的冲击力都达到空前的高度,”中国现代国际关系研究院(China Institute of Contemporary International Relations)反恐问题专家李伟表示。

  “The terrorist threat is clearly moving beyond Xinjiang. The attack was carully organised and planned. The people involved had been well trained.”“


  The savage nature of what some state media have called “China’s 9/11” was on graphic display on the ninth floor of the Number one Kunming People’s Hospital, where victims of the terror attack are recovering.此次恐怖袭击的一些受害者在昆明市第一人民医院九楼接受治疗,一些官方媒体所称的“中国的9?11事件”的野蛮性在这里可见一斑。

  Most of the wounded were slashed in the head, their shaven scalps now criss-crossed with long scars and stitches.


  Cao Nian described the moment when his 23-year-old girlfriend, Wang Hongli, was struck in the back of the head. “I was seeing her off at the station when [the attackers] appeared,” he said. “First there was one, then six. We were crouching down when they hit her.” The two staggered out of the station, running some 400 metres to find medical help.


  Mr Cao, who was not injured in the attack, spoke as another casualty was wheeled by his sleeping girlfriend. A deep scar cut across the right side of the victim’s head, which had been stitched. A pool of blood was still evident in his ear.


  “We are all appalled by this tragedy,” said Na Zhouhuai, a Muslim trader from China’s Hui ethnic group, as he waited for midday prayers to begin at the Shuncheng mosque. “They killed ordinary people – ordinary people like us here. We believe that you should not even kill an ant.”


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