


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:309 移动端

  1. I eat a chocolate bar almost every night bore bed.


  2. I have a weakness for Ancient Aliens.

  2. 我超爱看《远古外星人》。

  3. When I was a kid, 3 was my favorite number because if rotated, it looks like a pair of boobs.

  3. 我小时候最喜欢的数字是3,因为把3横放过来,看着就像一对胸。

  4. I&aposm usually very neat.

  4. 其实我是个很爱干净的人。

  5. Favorite food: macaroni and cheese -- or chocolate.

  5. 最爱的食物:通心粉和乃来——或者巧克力。

  6. Least favorite: peanut butter.

  6. 最讨厌的食物:花生酱。

  7. Contrary to popular beli, I have way more than just four shirts.

  7. 和大家想的不一样,我的衬衫远远不止4件。

  8. Growing up, The Clash&aposs "Straight to Hell" was always our sing-along song while we washed the dishes. (Hi, Mom!)

  8. 长这么大,我每次洗碗要哼的歌都是冲撞乐队的那首《Straight to Hell》。

  9. I&aposve never ridden a horse, except on set.

  9. 除了为了拍片以外,我从来不骑马。

  10. I own about 50 masks.

  10. 我有50多幅口罩。

  11. I don&apost follow any sports teams.

  11. 我不是任何体育项目任何队的粉丝。

  12. My first car was a Karmann Ghia.

  12. 我的第一辆车是大众的Karmann Ghia。

  13. Some of my top movies are Mad Max, Midnight Cowboy and Saturday Night Fever.

  13. 我最喜欢的电影是《疯狂麦克斯》《午夜牛郎》和《周六夜狂热》。

  14. My favorite thing to do is lie down.

  14. 我最喜欢做的事情就是躺着。

  15. I think apple pie-flavored gum is a revolutionary concept and I love it.

  15. 我喜欢苹果派口味的口香糖,我觉得这完全是口香糖口味的革命。

  16. I once tried using bacon as fishing bait, but I didn&apost catch anything.

  16. 我试过用培根作鱼儿,不过什么也没钓到。

  17. My best friend is my cat.

  17. 我最好的朋友是我养的猫。

  18. My most essential household tool is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

  18. 我最常用的家用器具是清洁先生牌的魔术橡皮擦。

  19. I prer to sleep without a pillow.

  19. 我喜欢睡觉不用枕头。

  20. When I grow up, I want to be [Walking Dead costar] Scott Wilson.

  20. 长大之后,我最想变成Scott Wilson(也是《行尸走肉》的演员)。

  21. I use Siri more often than I&aposm willing to admit.

  21. 我都不好意思说我是有多喜欢用Siri。

  22. I just got a microwave this year.

  22. 今年我新买了台微波炉。

  23. I still haven&apost turned it on.

  23. 不过我从没用过。

  24. I can only cook on a George Foreman grill.

  24. 我会用George Foreman烧烤架做吃的。

  25. One of the most important things I learned how to do this year is poach an egg (not on a George Foreman grill).

  25. 今年我学会的最重要的一件事就是怎么煮蛋(不用George Foreman烧烤架)。

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