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  A firm handshake is key to interview success

  研究揭示握手有力是面试成功秘诀   As any serious job-hunter knows, it helps to dress smartly and smile at that all-important interview.   任何认真找工作的人都知道,在很重要的面试中,穿着整齐和微笑有助于面试成功。   But research has revealed that a firm handshake is what really matters when it comes to impressing potential employers.   然而研究揭示,要给潜在的雇主一个好印象,有力的握手才是关键。   The US research looked at 98 undergraduates taking part in mock interviews with businesses.   美国开展的这项研究调查了98位参加模拟企业面试的大学生。   Professor Greg Stewart, from the University of Iowa, who led the study, said those who scored highly with the handshake raters were also considered to be the most hireable by the interviewers. Students with &aposwimpy&apos shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive.   该研究的领头人、爱荷华大学的格雷格•斯图瓦特教授说,握手评分较高的人被面试考官认为是最可录用的。考官认为那些握手软弱无力的学生更胆小,留下的印象更淡薄。
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