

英国下午茶文化 享受午后的休闲.

刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:509 移动端


  Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o&aposclock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o&aposclock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.


  This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880&aposs upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o&aposclock.


  Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches, scones served withclotted cream. Cakes and pastries are also served. Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups.


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