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  A law professor at one of China&aposs most prestigious universities apologized on Wednesday for a series of online comments about a high-profile rape case that has drawn sharp online criticism and underscored a continuing debate over rape and attitudes toward women.


  China in recent weeks has been rapt by the case of Li Tianyi, the famous son of a famous Chinese general who officials have accused of gang-raping a female with four other men after a late-night drinking session. An attorney for Mr. Li couldn&apost be reached.


  Local media said earlier this week that Mr. Li&aposs attorneys said they are going to offer an innocent plea because they suspected that the victim is a bar girl, a Chinese term for a woman employed by bars to drink with male patrons.


  On Tuesday, Yi Yanyou, a well-known law professor at Tsinghua University, suggested that the dense might have a point. Raping a chaste woman is more harmful than raping a bar girl, a dancing girl, a sanpeinu or a prostitute,he wrote on his account on the Sina Weibo microblogging service, in a post dated Tuesday. The statement lists Chinese stereotypes of some women in bars, with a sanpeinu a slang term for one who combines the attributes of the other three.


  Mr. Yi on Wednesday deleted the post, but not bore it received a rash of criticism from China&aposs online community, with many saying it lt many women unequal under the law. That is to say, for officers, beating street merchants is less harmful than breaking into shops; for court guards, abusing a petitioning woman like Tang Hui is less harmful than abusing an official&aposs wife, said Li Chengpeng, a well-known writer and commentator, who is no relation to Li Tianyi.


  Mr. Yi&aposs comments were among the top topics of discussion on Weibo on Wednesday, according to the service&aposs tracking function. Yang Yu, a commentator and researcher who has over five million followers on Weibo, said that Mr. Yi&aposs opinion could be a topic of discussion in a criminology class was but improper for a public forum.


  In an interview with China Real Time earlier Wednesday, Mr. Yi said his comments didn&apost amount to a dense of Li Tianyi. I&aposm not saying that Li Tianyi didn&apost commit rape, nor that prostitutes could be raped,§ he said. Mr. Yi said each crime has a certain level of social harm, and the psychological harm is different on different victims.


  The same curse words have different impacts on different people, Mr. Yi said. Chaste women and prostitutes have different views on chasteness, he said, so a different impact on them.


  Mr. Yi told China Real Time on Tuesday that Tsinghua Law School suggested he delete the controversial post, but he rused. Deletion means that I think I&aposm wrong,Mr. Yi said.


  But on Wednesday, Mr. Yi deleted the post. I don&apost want to be in this anymore,he said in a call to China Real Time.


  And by the end of the day Wednesday, he had apologized. My comment yesterday was indeed improper, he wrote on his Weibo account. I&aposm disturbed by the negative impact and hereby apologize to all.

  女性在中国这个快速变化的社会中扮演什么样的角色是个被广泛谈及的话题,而强奸则时不时引发激烈讨论。两年前爆发了有关张艺谋执导电影《金陵十三钗》(The Flowers of Wars)的大讨论。该影片讲述的是日本占领南京时,一群青楼女子在明知会被强奸、被杀害的情况下,依然选择掩护一群在校女学生的故事。有批评人士说,该片折射出少女性命比妓女宝贵的思想。

  Rape has been the occasional subject of fierce discussion in China amid a broader conversation about the role of women in the fast-changing society. Debate broke out two years ago over the Zhang Yimou film The Flowers of Wars,which depicted Japan&aposs occupation of Nanjing, and showed a scene in which a group of prostitutes take the place of a group of schoolgirls knowing that they would be raped and killed. Critics of the movie said it suggested the lives of virgins are more precious than prostitutes.

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