

George Zimmerman: 一件hoody引发的血案.

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  “The FBI found that because of Trayvon Martin’s hoody, George Zimmerman mistook him for a member of local gangs known as the Goons.”——US Today

  距离2013年7月13日夜里佛罗里达州对白人协警George Zimmerman枪杀黑人少年Trayvon Martin的最终判决已经过去3天了,但是事件的影响还在不断升温,对于判决的结果,美国各地都举行了不同形式的抗议活动,很多人认为陪审团的判决结果是受到种族因素的影响。

  此案发生的时间是在2012年2月26日晚,佛罗里达州桑福德市一个居民区,George Zimmerman作为协警(neighborhood watch volunteer )正在巡逻时,认定黑人少年Trayvon Martin“形迹可疑”。拨打“911”报警电话后,Zimmerman开始跟踪并与少年对峙,然后开枪打死对方。

  事件发生6周后,Zimmerman才遭到逮捕,被联邦政府指控二级谋杀Second-degree murder和过失杀人Manslaughter。此前,当地警方拒绝逮捕Zimmerman,理由是他开枪属于正当防卫,受法律保护。由此引发的全美国对司法不公正的抗议,才使得这一事件变得越发的受关注起来。


  美国联邦调查局经过调查认为Trayvon Martin的套头衫hoody让George Zimmerman 误以为他是当地一个黑帮团伙Goons的一员,所以才会发生后面的对峙和枪杀。

  当然hoody也有年轻小混混的意思,但是不可否认的是,Trayvon Martin在夜里穿的这件hoody引发了一场真正的血案。

  Second-degree murder

  Any premeditated murder or felony murder that does not involve special circumstances任何不涉及特殊情况的预谋伤害或者重罪伤害




  Manslaughter又可以分为:Voluntary manslaughter冲动杀人、Involuntary manslaughter过失杀人、Vehicular manslaughter交通意外杀人等重罪

  The neighborhood watch volunteer received a life-altering answer when he was acquitted Saturday in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Yet he still faces threats of violence and the potential of more legal action against him.

  Zimmerman, 29, has offered no details on what his future holds, but his lawyer and brother have spoken out.

  Zimmerman is prepared to legally dend himself against any actions in the future, including the possibility of a federal civil rights prosecution and civil lawsuit, attorney Mark O&aposMara told USA TODAY.

  Yet, Zimmerman has to grapple with more than legal threats. His acquittal sparked angry protests across the country and some people have vowed vigilante justice against him.

  Outside the courthouse, one protester wore a shirt that had an image of Zimmerman&aposs face in crosshairs. Some Twitter users posted death threats while others predicted he will now be a target for violence.

  Zimmerman already wears a protective vest when he goes out in public, O&aposMara told ABC News. He will get the pistol he used to shoot Martin back and, if allowed, will again carry the gun, he said.

  Zimmerman needs the weapon "even more" than bore, O&aposMara told ABC.

  "There are a lot of people out there who actually hate him, though they shouldn&apost," he said.

  Zimmerman&aposs brother, Robert Zimmerman Jr., told CNN on Saturday night that his sibling will likely live in fear for the rest of his life.

  There are people who "think that justice was not served," he said. "They won&apost respect the verdict no matter how it was reached and they will always present a threat to George and his family."

  Zimmerman is "still processing the reality or notion of being a free man, of having what the judge described as no further business bore the court," his brother also said.

  Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in a Florida townhouse community, shot and killed Trayvon on Feb. 26, 2012. Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, claimed he shot the unarmed African-American teenager in self-dense.

  On Saturday, a jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

  A lawyer who represented another famous Florida dendant — Casey Anthony — says Zimmerman will likely keep a low profile. In 2011, Anthony was cleared of murdering her 2-year-old daughter.

  "I don&apost think you will be seeing George Zimmerman walking around the mall," said her attorney Jose Baez.

  Like Anthony, Baez thinks Zimmerman will go into hiding. In March, Anthony appeared at a bankruptcy hearing to tell the court she doesn&apost have a job, a car or a permanent home.

  "I guess you could say I&aposm living free off the kindness" of others, Anthony told the court then. She said Baez had given her about $3,400 in cash to help with her living expenses.

  Zimmerman has supporters who funded his dense and could help him in the future, Baez said. Zimmerman is also likely to get a book deal and lucrative speaking engagements at gun shows and Second Amendment events, he added.

  "They&aposd pay top dollar and he has a chance to capitalize on those financial offers," Baez said. "It&aposs the only way I see him make any money."

  Already, a literary agent says she has signed one of the Zimmerman trial jurors to write a book about her experience on the panel. Literary and media manager Sharlene Martin says she has signed a deal with a juror who is still known only as B-37, which was her official court designation during the trial.

  Legally, beyond possible federal civil rights charges, Trayvon&aposs parents could sue Zimmerman for wrongful death in civil court.

  Prosecutors will find it difficult to bring a federal civil rights case, but a wrongful-death lawsuit is almost a sure thing, said Atlanta criminal dense attorney Drew Findling, who is not involved in the Zimmerman case.

  "They will file a civil case and get a monstrous verdict that they won&apost be able to collect on," he said.

  Such a judgment, however, would keep Zimmerman from capitalizing on his notoriety.

  "They will be chasing him down for every penny he makes," Findling said. "Look at O.J. Simpson. It had a stranglehold on his life."

  A civil court ordered Simpson to pay $33.5 million to the families of Nicole Brown Simpson, his ex-wife, and Ronald Goldman, her friend, after he was acquitted in 1995 of murdering them.

  As for Zimmerman&aposs future, his lawyer suggested to ABC News that he might want to relocate to another part of the country.

  "If I was him, I would go somewhere else," O&aposMara said.

  O&aposMara also said it would be unlikely Zimmerman could find a job.

  "I don&apost think he can work," he said. "I don&apost think anyone can hire him. ... George is a pariah."

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