

草莓族 Strawberry Generation.

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  坊间对80后的议论还没有褪去,针对90后的种种说法又袭来了。“他们的素质都很不错,可就是承受不了打击,太容易受伤害了。”这话听着是不是很耳熟呢?是啊,大概因为80后和90后这样的情况太普遍了吧,所以人们用了一个很生动的比喻来指代他们——Strawberry Generation。

  They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurteasily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can&apost take muchpressure. They are the so-called "Strawberry Generation".


  The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It rers to thepost-60s generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easilydented - just like strawberries - by life&aposs lightest knocks.



  This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and rers to young workers, of only childfamilies, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two. They are generally welleducated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and materialcomforts.


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