


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:234 移动端


  M: Ashley.

  A: Happy?

  M: So happy.

  A: You seem to belong here, as if it had all been imagined for you.

  M: I&aposd like to feel that I belong to the things you love.

  A: You love Twelve Oaks as I do?

  M: Yes, Ashley. I love it as more than a house. It&aposs a whole world that wants only to be gratul and   beautiful.

  A: It&aposs so unaware that it may not last forever.

  M: You&aposre afraid of what may happen if the war comes. But we don&apost have to be afraid for us. No war can come into our world. Ashley, whatever comes, I&aposll love you, just as I do now, until I die.

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