


刚刚更新 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:229 移动端


  China Kills Market Birds as Flu Deaths Rise

  A deadly new strain of bird flu claimed its sixth life in eastern China on Friday as agricultural authorities in Shanghai began slaughtering birds in a local market in an fort to stem the spread of the disease.

  A 64-year-old farmer died in Hangzhou, capital of eastern China&aposs Zhejiang province. The man, from the nearby city of Huzhou, was later confirmed to have been infected with the H7N9 virus, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday, citing the local health bureau.

  His death brings the number of identified H7N9 infections in Hangzhou to three. China has confirmed a total 14 H7N9 cases nationwide, with patients ranging in age from 4 to 87. So far the virus has appeared only in parts of eastern China surrounding Shanghai, where the first human infection was publicly identified on Sunday.

  With fears mounting around the country, Shanghai issued a temporary ban on all wholesale live poultry trading and ordered markets closed. The ban came a day after the city&aposs agricultural authorities cordoned off the live poultry trading zone in the city&aposs Huhuai market and ordered a cull following the discovery of the H7N9 virus in samples taken from pigeons being sold there.

  Shanghai TV broadcast footage of sanitation workers in yellow boots, white hazardous-material suits and face masks dragging bags of dead pigeons out of the market. A local official told the station that the sanitation team expected to cull between 8,000 and 10,000 birds.

  At a large market in the city&aposs former French Concession area, the live poultry business was quiet on Friday afternoon. Two of the salesmen were snoozing behind full cages of yellow chickens. A third seller said authorities were still allowing sales of chickens. &aposWe can&apost sell pigeons or ducks,&apos he said.

  While the number of infected people remains small, the appearance of the new virus has shaken China, where memories of the crippling 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome epidemic remain fresh. Unlike with SARS, the government has vowed to be transparent and promised to release information about H7N9 as quickly as possible, though many in China remain skeptical.

  Adding to the fear on Thursday, Shanghai&aposs Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission said that it had placed under quarantine a resident who had developed a fever and itchy throat after coming into close contact with one of the patients who had died.

  Up until now, no cases of human-to-human transmission of the virus have been discovered. Among those infected so far, several are believed to have been in close contact with birds, including a 48-year-old who transported poultry, a 45-year-old poultry butcher and a 38-year-old ch.

  Aside from the person placed in quarantine, health authorities have found no symptoms in any of the people known to be in close contact with identified H7N9 patients, according to state media.

  The U.S. consulate in Shanghai issued a statement Friday urging people to remain calm.

  &aposAt this point the risk for international disease spread is considered low,&apos the consulate said. &aposThe latest advisory from the World Health Organization as of April 4 is that no travel or trade restrictions with China should be applied based on the current information.&apos













  领事馆说,眼下疾病进行跨国传播的可能性被认为很低。截至4月4日世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)给出的最新建议是,从当前信息看,无需限制外国人进入中国,也无需施加对华贸易限制。

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