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  Thirty-eight percent of Chinese people suffer from various kinds of sleep problems, which is higher than the global average of 27 percent, said Chinese Sleep Research Society(CSRS).


  Many people are not aware that sleep disorder can trigger heart disease. Every year more than one million people die of coronary heart disease in China, with 30 percent of sudden deaths occurring from midnight to six in the morning, according to Han Fang, head of CSRS.


  About 55 percent admitted that work pressures have affected their sleep patterns and they have resorted to various methods to improve sleep quality, said a latest report on China Sleep Quality Index.


  The report was based on a survey conducted in November and December last year in China’s 20 cities, 20 towns and 20 villages.


  According to the survey results, on the whole, people in south and west China tend to sleep better than those in the north and east, and people in rural regions have better sleep quality than their urban counterparts. Men sleep better than women. Also, bachelors sleep better than the married.


  Noting new media&aposs negative influence on sleep, the survey also found that 67.1 percent of people chat on mobile phones or computers bore sleeping. Many young people like surfing on the net or playing games all night.


  The report urged people to avoid overusing networking devices, while turning to relaxing music, massage and naps to improve sleep quality.


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