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  Mike: ...without letting the entire free world, in on it.

  迈克: 就是不想让外人来干扰这一切。

  Jason: Well, I guess I did lose control a little? Ok, a lot.

  詹森: 我想也许我是稍微过分了一点,那就算很多了。

  Mike: That&aposs all right, Dad. I guess Bruce does have that affect on people. I guess maybe next time we should see someone a little less dynamic.

  迈克: 别再说了爸爸,摇滚乐能给人一定的影响,也许我们下一次就应该听一点不再向这么激烈的音乐。

  Jason: Well I hear the Osmond’s are coming to town.

  詹森: 我听说“奥斯姆”要来这演出了。

  Mike: Yeah, I love this guy.

  迈克: 我爱这个人。

  Mike: Guys I’m telling you it does not compare with seeing him live.

  迈克: 我告诉你们,听和看见这是两码事。

  Jason: Mike, Mike, your mother and I are in the next room we’re trying to read. You guys think you could turn down that... Turn down, whoever that is?

  詹森: 迈克,迈克,你妈妈和我正在隔壁房间里看书,能不能把那玩意关的小一点?声音小了才像是音乐。

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