


刚刚更新 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:647 移动端



去年11月时申请奥克兰大学研究生(2010年7月),到了现在都不发conditional offer,当时提交了在读证明和成绩单还有推荐信、ps和cv,现在却得到了一份这个…… Dear student, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Thank you for your application at the University of Auckland. Unfortunately the information we have received from you is insufficient and the faculty cannot assess your application. Your application cannot be assessed until we have the documents, as indicated below. - Bachelor Degree Certificate - officially certified copy or original translation of your relevant qualifications - Academic Record (Transcript) - official certified copy or original translation for the full duration of your degree programme (final year transcripts), with course descriptions & explanation of grades, if necessary. - English language proficiency test - IELTS copy: an overall band score of 6.5 (academic module) with no band less than 6 or original TOEFL (internet based): 100 with writing 24 or equivalent. 这是什么意思?应届的大学毕业生怎么可能在今年6月底之前提交学位证呢?在读证明不行吗?奥克兰大学今年是不是不发有条件录取还是怎么回事?还有雅思,如果雅思不够可以修读语言的啊,为什么没有这些会不审呢?这样到了最后会被拒绝还是怎么样?


1、奥大很多年了,不愿意发放conditional offer. 2、你的情况,建议改为申请2月。 3、英文班的问题不用担心,除非你申请的专业不让学英文。 4、会不会被拒,关键看你申请的专业和你的自身条件了。

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