


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:463 移动端




1Vanderbilt University

2Harvard University

2The University of Texas at Austin

4Stanford University

4Teachers College, Columbia University

6University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校

7Northwestern University

8University of Oregon

9University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校

9University of Washington

9University of Wisconsin Madison

12University of California Berkeley

12University of Pennsylvania

14University of Southern California

15Boston College

15New York University

17Michigan State University

18Johns Hopkins University

18The University of Kansas

20Ohio State University

21Indiana University,Bloomington印地安那大学伯明顿分校

22University of Virginia

23University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄本那―香槟分校

23University of Maryland College Park

23University of Pittsburgh

26Penn State University Park宾州州立大学-University Park Campus

26University of Delaware德拉华大学

28University of Minnesota Twin CitiesTwin Cities分校

29The University of Iowa

29The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

29Utah State University

29Virginia Commonwealth University弗吉尼亚联邦大学

33University of Connecticut

34Texas A M University德州A M大学

35Arizona State University

35Cornell University

35The George Washington University乔治华盛顿大学

35Lehigh University

35University of Hawaii--Manoa

35Washington University in St Louis

41College of William and Mary

41University of Illinois--Chicago

43Florida State University

43Purdue University,West Lafayette

43University of Colorado Boulder

46Temple University天普大学

46University of Georgia乔治亚大学

48Rutgers University New Brunswick

48University of California Irvine

50University of Massachusetts Amherst马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区

50University of Nebraska Lincoln

52University of Florida

52University of Miami

52University of Missouri Columbia

55BOSTON University

55Syracuse University雪城大学

55University of Cincinnati

58Fordham University福特汉姆大学

58University at Albany--SUNY

58University of California Davis

58University of California Santa Barbara

58University of California Santa Cruz

58The University of Tennessee--Knoxville

64Georgia State University乔治亚州立大学

64University of North Carolina--ensboro

66George Mason University

66North Carolina State University--Raleigh

66The University of Arizona亚利桑那大学

66University of California Riverside

66The University of Utah

71American University美国大学

71Auburn University

73Kansas State University

73Southern Illinois University Carbondale

73University of Louisville

73University of South Florida

73Washington State University

78Baylor University

78Drexel University

78San Diego State University圣地亚哥州立大学

78University of Idaho爱达荷大学

78The University of Oklahoma

83Oklahoma State University

83The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学

83University of Kentucky

86Ball State University波尔州立大学

86Iowa State University

86Loyola Marymount University洛约拉马利蒙特大学

86University of Mississippi

86University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校

91Brigham Young University

91Claremont Graduate University克莱蒙研究大学

91Clemson University

91CUNY--Graduate Center纽约市立大学研究生院和大学中心

91Duquesne University

91Loyola University Chicago

91Marquette University

91Miami University迈阿密大学

91University of Central Florida

100Hofstra University

100The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学--Birmingham

100University of Maine

100Virginia Tech



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