

英国留学择校指导:助力健康产业 2020年英国健康管理专业TOP8大学排名了解一下!

刚刚更新 编辑:井浪花-cj 英国,综合 浏览次数:384 移动端

本文标题:英国留学择校指导:助力健康产业 2020年英国健康管理专业TOP8大学排名了解一下!,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对英国健康管理专业大学排名,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学择校指导:助力健康产业 2020年英国健康管理专业TOP8大学排名了解一下!》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。



  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. Core modules

  - Philosophy Politics and Economics of Health

  - Health Policy and Reform

  - Key Principles of Health Economics

  II. Optional modules (5个)

  - Bioethics Governance

  - Comparative Human Rights Law

  - Law and Governance of Global Health

  - Global Justice and Health

  - Illness

  - Madness

  - Conflict, Humanitarianism and Health

  - Ethics and Regulation of Research

  - Contemporary Political Philosophy

  - Normative Ethics

  - Politics and Ethics

  - Health Inequalities over the Life- course

  - From Imperial Medicine to Global Health, 1860s to Present

  - Death, Dying and Consequences

  - Disability and Development

  - Introduction to Deafhood

  - Global Health and Development

  - Anthropology and Psychiatry

  - Medical Anthropology

  III. Dissertation

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 有相关志愿者或工作经历的也可以申请

  - 雅思7.5,单项不低于6.5

Health Economics and Decision Science MSc卫生经济学与决策科学硕士

  ● 简介


  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)


  I. Core modules (4 or 5)

  - Health Systems in a Global Context

  - Health Policy and Reform

  - Economic Evaluation

  - Introductory Microeconomics

  - Medical Statistics I

  - Econometrics

  - Key Principles of Health Economics

  - Modelling for Decision Science

  - Microeconomics for Health

  II. Optional modules (4 or 3)

  - Bayesian Methods in Economic Evaluation

  - Health Economics

  - Social Determinants of Health

  - Concepts and Controversies in Global Health

  - Climate Change and Health

  - The PPE of Health

  - Medical Statistics II

  - Research Methods and Evidence for Global Health

  - Economics of Health and Population

  - Urban Health

  III. Dissertation/report

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 相关的、量化性质的学科学术背景

  - 雅思7.5,单项不低于6.5


  ● 课程设置(12 months full- time)

  I. Examples of Courses

  - Financing Health Care

  - Measuring Health System Performance

  - Introduction to Health Policy and Politics

  - Health Economics

  - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

  - Dissertation in Health Policy

  II. Examples for Health Economics Stream

  - Advanced Health Economics

  - Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation

  - Health Care Economic Evaluation

  - Applied Health Econometrics

  - Financing Health Care

  - Dissertation in Health Policy

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 申请健康经济方向的学生需要有经济学、数学、统计学或其它量化学科的学术背景

  - 单纯的健康政策专业任何专业都可以申请

  - 雅思7.0,R&L 6.5, W&S 6.0

MSc Global Health Policy澳际卫生政策理学硕士

  ● 简介


  ● 课程设置(12 months full- time)

  I. Examples

  - Global Health Policy: Institutions, Actors and Politics

  - Introduction to Health and Politics

  - Financing Health Care

  - Economic Analysis for Health Policy in Low- and Middle- Income Countries

  - Dissertation in Health Policy

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 任何专业均可,但需要有社会科学相关的背景经历

  - 相关的在社会政策领域的工作经历可以加分但不强求

  - 雅思7.0,R&L 6.5, W&S 6.0


  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. Core modules

  - Leading Change in Healthcare

  - Quality and Productivity in Health Service Systems

  - Operational Management and Clinical Systems Improvement

  - Introduction to Health Informatics

  - Electronic Healthcare Records

  - Epidemiology and Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement

  - Introduction to Health Economics

  - Resource Management in Health Service Delivery

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等二学士学位

  - 雅思6.5,单项不低于6.0


  ● 课程设置(2- 4 years part- time)

  I. Examples of courses

  - Induction Academy

  - Health Economics: principles and practice

  - Systematic approaches to literature reviews and evidence synthesis

  - Data Analysis

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 相关专业学术背景

  - 有相关工作经历的也可以申请

  - 雅思6.5


  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. Compulsory courses

  - Global Politics of Public Health

  - Population Health and Health Policy

  Course options

  Group A

  - Dissertation - Health Policy


  - Work- based dissertation (Global Public Health Unit)

  Group B

  II. Recommended Electives - Global Health Policy (3-4门)

  - Social Determinants of Health and Public Policy

  - Health Systems Analysis

  - Health Systems: Strengthening and Reform

  - Health and Human Rights: Principles, Practice and Dilemmas

  - Infectious Disease and Global Governance

  III. Additional Electives - Health Policy Degrees (0- 2门)

  - Gender and Development

  - Economic Issues in Public Policy

  - Political Issues in Public Policy

  - Introduction to Risk, Regulation and Governance

  - Regulation and Governance of the Life Sciences

  - Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health

  - Global and International Social Policy

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 雅思7.0,单项不低于6.0

Health Policy MSc健康政策理学硕士

  ● 简介


  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. Compulsory courses

  - Population Health and Health Policy

  II. Course options

  Group A

  Health Policy (2门)

  - Social Determinants of Health and Public Policy

  - Economic Issues in Public Policy

  - Political Issues in Public Policy

  - Health Systems: Strengthening and Reform


  Health Systems

  - Health Systems Analysis

  - Health Systems: Strengthening and Reform


  Health Inequalities

  - Social Determinants of Health and Public Policy

  - Health and Human Rights: Principles, Practice and Dilemmas

  Group B

  Recommended Electives - Health Policy (2- 3门)

  - Global Politics of Public Health

  - Health Systems Analysis

  - Political Issues in Public Policy

  - Health and Human Rights: Principles, Practice and Dilemmas

  - Infectious Disease and Global Governance


  Additional Electives - Health Policy Degrees (0- 2门)

  - Political Issues in Public Policy

  - Introduction to Risk, Regulation and Governance

  - Regulation and Governance of the Life Sciences

  - Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health

  - Global and International Social Policy

  - Culture and Mental Health in a Global Perspective

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 证明对澳际健康政策有足够的兴趣;

  - 雅思7.0,单项不低于6.0

  这个项目属于学校的健康服务管理中心 (Health Services Management Centre (HSMC)) —英国的一大领先的针对医疗健康和社会保障机构进行相关研究及人才培养的研究中心。HSMC已有40多年的医疗保健领域的研究历史,尤其强调领导力与管理能力方面的培养,以及促进卫生健康与福利的优化发展。项目会提供对英国和海外别国的应用到健康系统理论框架和实际工具的相关内容的教学。

  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. 必修

  - Health Services Management

  - Health Policy

  - Introduction to Organisational Development in Health and Social Care

  - People, Patients and Communities

  II. 选修(2门)

  - Health Care Quality Improvement and Innovation

  - Health Care Quality: Measuring and Assuring

  - Integrated Care Policy and Theory

  - Strategic Planning and Decision Making

  III. Dissertation

  ● 申请要求

  - 二等一学士学位

  - 有相关工作经历的也会被考虑

  - 雅思6.5,单项至少6.0

Health Economics and Econometrics MSc/Diploma卫生经济学与计量经济学硕士/文凭

  ● 简介


  ● 课程设置(1 year full- time)

  I. 必修

  - Microeconomics

  - Econometrics

  - Introduction to Health Economics

  - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare

  - Modelling for Health Economics

  II. 选修(1门)

  学生可以从Masters in Public Health这个项目的10学分课程中选择一个,如

  - Principles of Health Technology Assessment

  - Health Economics

  - Introduction to Leadership and Management in Health

  - Health Care Evaluation and Commissioning

  - Health Protection 1

  - Sociology and Social Policy

  - Health Promotion

  - Global Health

  - Statistics for Health Economics II【这门课相当于必修,未选择以上课程这门课作为选修有10学分;选择以上其中一门作为选修的学生还是需要参加此课程但没有学分】



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