


刚刚更新 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:38 移动端

  多伦多大学(University of Toronto) 是加拿大一所著名的公立大学,始建于1827年,被公认为是加拿大综合实力数一数二的优秀大学。多伦多大学凭借其规模、声望以及影响力,多伦多大学正吸引着加拿大国内及世界各地的顶尖学生。下面让我们一起看下多伦多大学梅西学院(Massey College)的介绍。


  Massey College is a postgraduate residential college at the University of Toronto, established in 1963 with an endowment by the Massey Foundation. Similar to All Souls College, Oxford, members of Massey College are nominated from the university community, and are elected by and as fellows of the college. The president of the University of Toronto and the dean of graduate studies are ex officio members of the elected governing corporation, headed by the master of the college.


  The college is well-connected with prominent figures of the national establishment, and is the sponsor and host of the annual Massey Lectures. It hosted the Man Booker International Prize of 2007.


    以上就是多伦多大学梅西学院(Massey College)的介绍,仅供参考,祝大家都取得一个好成绩。

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