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* 个人用品包括服装、电话费、医疗开销、洗漱用品以及其他小型个人用品。

** 休闲用品包括爱好、运动、娱乐订购、社会以及文化活动。


Graduate students

In addition to paying your tuition fees you will also need to consider how you are going to meet your living costs while you are studying. Funds will be required to cover the costs of your accommodation, food and travel as well as other costs associated with your studies, such as books, and everyday life, such as clothes and entertainment.

Estimates of how much money you will need may vary considerably, as the lifestyles and circumstances of individual students differ. For a single, graduate student studying for a full year, an estimated average would be in the region of 387 per week or 20,124 for the year. This should be considered only as a guide; some students may find they can live within this allowance, yet others may find it insufficient to meet their expectations.

As a guide, the cost per week of your main items of expenditure is likely to be around:

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