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  加拿大西安大略大学在加拿大《环球邮报》大学排名,大型大学(注册全日制学生22000名以上)教学质量,学生满意度排名全加第一 。与女王大学,多伦多大学麦吉尔大学组成的足球联赛称为加拿大老四校(the Old Four)。下面澳际留学专家给大家介绍加拿大西安大略大学信息&媒体研究专业四大优势。

  一、International Opportunities

  Study abroad in popular exchange destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Every year, 50+ third-year MIT and MPI students take advantage of international exchange opportunities.

  国际交流:到热门国家交换留学,如澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、香港和英国。每年,50名以上的三年级MIT 和MPI学生拥有国际交流的机会。

  二、Real-world Experiences

  Take advantage of learning outside the classroom. Our program recognizes the importance of connecting media theory learned in the classroom to real-world experiences. You are encouraged to test drive your skills and gain practical experience through MIT and MPI internships, MPI practicum placements, study-travel courses and course-based experiential learning opportunities.

  课外学习:我们的项目非常重视课堂的媒体理论和实践经验相结合的教学方式。学院非常鼓励通过MIT 和 MPI 实习、MPI实习职位等方式,来测试学生的技能,获得实际经验。

  三、Volunteer Opportunities

  Meet new friends and gain experience in FIMS by volunteering with the Street Team, OPENWIDE magazine or the FIMS Ambassador Team. Interested in getting involved in campus media? Complement your degree by getting some hands-on experience with student media on campus. Western TV, The Gazette (Western’s student newspaper) and CHRW Radio Western provide great opportunities to produce content for the campus community.

  志愿者机会:志愿参与Street Team, OPENWIDE magazine or the FIMS Ambassador Team团队,结识新朋友和获得FIMS 经验。对参与校园媒体感兴趣?那就亲自参与校园媒体的实践活动。Western TV, The Gazette (Western’s student newspaper) and CHRW Radio Western 都提供了大量的机会来产生为校园社区服务的内容。

  四、FIMS Students’ Council

  Join the FIMS Undergraduate Students’ Council (FIMSSC) and have an opportunity to help shape your fellow students’ university experiences through social events and faculty initiatives. The FIMSSC is a great fit if you are politically-minded, community engaged or just want to get involved in the faculty.



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