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University of California
Personal Statement
You are asked to provide response to two prompts, both of which you must answer, using a maximum of 1,000 words total.
lYou may allocate the word count as you wish. If you choose to respond to one prompt at greater length, we suggest your shorter answer be no less than 250 words.
lStay within the word limit as close as you can. A little over—1,012 words, for example—is fine.
lWe do not require letters of recommendation, so use the personal statement to give us information about you achievements that you have not provided elsewhere in the application. Read each prompt carully and be sure to respond to all parts. Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Prompt 1
Describe the world you come from – for example, your family, community or school – and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
Prompt 2
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?
Carnegie Mellon University
  1. List four books you have read this year.(Characters available 500)
  1. Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.
1. 列出四本过去一年中你读过的书(字数不超过200字中文)
2. 申论题
    请用一页单倍行距的篇幅(约两页中文)陈述你申请Carnegie Mellon的原因,写一下你具体选择的系、专业和课程,另外你需要解释一下为什么要选择这个专业、你未来的目标和职业规划以及其他任何你希望我们了解的内容。由于录取委员会是按照申请人所申请的学院和课程来审核材料的,所以如果你申请的学院或课程不止一个,请在个人陈述中列出你所申请的所有学院或课程,这关系到最终的录取结果。个人陈述的长度不要超过一页(中文约两页)
University of Virginia
General Essay
Please write an essay(250 words minium)on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below. This personal essay helps us to become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades,test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.
  • Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
  • Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
  • Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and decribe that influence.
  • Decribe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or  a  creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.
  • A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.
  • Topic of your choice.
Supplement essays
  1. We are looking for passionate students to join diverse community of scholars, researchers, and artists. Answer the question that corresponds to the school you selected above. Limited your answer to a half page or roughly 250 words.
    • College of Arts and Science:What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, and in what way?
    • Engeering:If you were given a$10,000 budget and the opportunity to build a small team of talented, motivated individuals, what would you propose to accomplish?
    • Architecture:Discuss an experience that led you to apply to the School of Architecture.
    • Nursing:Discuss experiences that led you to choose the School of Nursing.
  2. Answer one of the following questions in a half page or roughly 250 words:
    • What is your favorite word and why?
    • Describe the world you come from and how that world shaped who your are.
    • Discuss your favorite place to get lost.(This question was written by U.Va. students who live in one of redsidential colleges, Brown College at Monroe Hill.)
    • In The Dumbest Generation, Mark Bauerlein asserts that social media and youth culture undercut the skills necessary to be a global citizen when he writes:" We need a steady stream of rising men and women to replenish the institutions, to become strong military leaders and wise politiacal leaders, dedicated journalists and demanding teachers, judges and muckrakers, scholars and critics and artists. We have the best schools to train them, but social and private environments have eroded." Do you agree with his assessment or not?
  1. 阐述你所经历过的有意义的体验,成绩,风险,或是你曾面临进退两难的道德困境,以及对你的影响。
  2. 谈论一些个人问题,当地新闻,国家信息或是国际关注对于你的重要性。
  3. 描写一位对你有重要影响的人,并阐述其重要性。
  4. 描写一位小说或是历史人物,或是一份创造性的工作(例如在艺术、音乐、科学等领域)对你的影响,并解释其影响力。
  5. 请通过一系列的学术兴趣,个人观点,或是生活经验以阐明你的个人背景以及所能带给本校的多样化。
  6. 自己选一话题。
  1. 我们需要充满热情的学生来进入各种各样的学生,研究员和艺术家的团体。根据你所申请的院系在下列题目中选择相应的回答(大约500字中文以内或者一个页面)
  2. 文理学院:你有没有被一件艺术品、一首曲子、一篇数学著作或一个文学作品所打动、震撼过?请详细描述一下;
  3. 工程:如果给你10,000美金的经费和建立一个有才能的,由个人推动的小的团体,你计划实现什么呢?
  4. 建筑:论述一次致使你选择申请建筑系的经历
  5. 护理:论述一次致使你选择申请护理系的经历
  6. 在以下的问题中选择一题回答(大约500字中文以内或者一个页面)
  7. 你最喜欢的词是哪个?为什么?
  8. 你来自哪里?你所在的这个地方如何塑造了今天的你?
  9. 描述你喜欢迷失的一个地方。
  10. 在The Dumbest Generation一书中,Mark Bauerlein断言社会媒体和青年文化削弱了作为一个世界性公民的必要能力,他写道:“我们需要一个稳定的不断提升男人和女人的趋势来补充这一制度,来成为强大的军事领袖和英明的政治领导,有献身精神的新闻工作者和苛求的教师,法官和新闻记者,学者,评论家和艺术家。我们有最好的学校来训练他们,但是社会和个人环境已经腐化了。”你是否同意他的看法?
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Personal Statement
In 500 words or less, describe any personal circumstances or academic experiences (positive or negative) that you feel are important for us to know about you.

Take the essay very seriously. Take your time with it. Get some feedback from your parents, a favorite teacher, or your guidance counselor. Proof-read carully (and don’t rely on spell check—that can cause some embarrassing errors.) Relax and let us know about you.
University of Southern California
Please write an essay, approximately 500-700 words (typically one page) in length on one of following topics:
lUSC’s speaker series "What Matters to Me and Why" asks faculty and staff to rlect on their values, belis, and motivations. Presenters talk about choices they have made, difficulties encountered, and commitments solidified. Write an essay about an event or experience that helped you learn what is important to you and why it is important.
lVisions and Voices is a university-wide arts and humanities initiative that seeks to transform students’ perspectives through presentations and performances by top artists, writers, and scholars. Tell us about a creative project, performance or other work of yours and how it rlects your vision or voice.
lThomas Edison failed many times bore successfully inventing the modern electric light bulb. He said, "If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." Rlect on a challenge you overcame through persistence.
Is it okay if my application essay is longer than one page?
Although we strongly prer applicants to limit their essays to one page, we will read every application essay in its entirety, regardless of length. However, in the past, our experience has been that successful applicants are typically able to appropriately express themselves in one page.
Short Answers
In approximately one paragraph each, please answer the following questions:
1.     Tell us about an activity that is important to you, and why. Please feel free to talk about an activity other than one you may have discussed in your essay.
2.     Describe your academic interests and how you plan to pursue them at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.
3.     OPTIONAL: Any information you believe is relevant to our consideration of you as an applicant, but not already discussed or explained in your application.
(Do not feel pressured to complete the optional short answer question if you have nothing further to add. Many students like to discuss additional issues not addressed elsewhere that can be articulated in a sentence or two.)
Quick Takes
Please respond to each of the following in one sentence or less; a single word may suffice. These questions have no right or wrong answers.
*Describe yourself in three words:
*Favorite food:
*Favorite musical performer/band, or composer:
*Role model:
*Best movie of all time:
*Dream job:
*Favorite book:(New)
*What do you like to do for fun?(New)
*Favorite fictional character:(New)
*Greatest invention of all time:(New)
Activity Summary
Please brily describe your activities, including any awards you might have received. For each activity, use this format: Name of activity; grade(s) you were involved in it; number of hours per week; number of weeks per year; description of the activity; your role(s).
For example: Spanish Club; 9th-12th grade; 2 hours per week; 30 weeks per year; language club dedicated to promoting the understanding of Spanish language and culture; elected treasure junior year and president senior year:
For a sample activity summary, please click here.
Please list items in the following order:
1.     Offices held and activities and organizations in which you have participated (athletics, debate, academic decathlon, community service, cultural and religious organizations, etc.):
2.     Work experience:
3.     Summer programs, conferences or special events attended:
4.     Other special experiences or background, or unusual hobbies:
5.     If there are gaps in your education since high school, please provide a chronological list of your activities since then (e.g., work, travel):
I. 申论题
1. USC的一个常年讲座活动的主题是“对你而言最重要的是什么?为什么?”,USC的教职人员在这个活动中交流自己的价值观、信仰和动力,主讲人会跟大家分享他所做过的抉择、曾经遇到的困难和他所坚守的原则。哪个事件或经历让那个你认识到对你而言最重要的是什么,为什么那样东西对你来说那么重要?
2. Visions and Voices是USC的一个艺术人文活动,旨在通过顶尖艺术家、作家和学者的演讲和表演改变学生的观念。描述一件你创作的艺术作品或你参与的一场表演,它如何体现了你的观念和想法?
3. 爱迪生在经历了多次失败之后才成功发明了电灯泡,他说“如果尝试了一万次仍然没有成功,我也不觉得这是一种失败,我一点都不气馁,因为每一次不成功的尝试都让我向成功又迈进了一步。”请描述一件你锲而不舍克服困难最终取得成功的事情。
II. 问答题
  1. 叙述一个对你来说很重要的活动(activity),并解释原因,此活动可以和之前申论题中提到的不同;
  2. 描述你的学术兴趣以及你计划如何在USC学习期间继续这项兴趣,你可以写一下你的第一和第二意向专业;
  3. 以上申论题和问答题中没有涉及到但你认为我们有必要了解的信息都可以写;(如果你认为没什么需要进一步阐述说明的,可以不回答这个问题,不需要有任何顾虑。有些学生会用一两句话讲一下之前没提到的某个方面)
III. 小问答
  1. 用三个词描述你自己:
  2. 你最喜欢的食物
  3. 你最喜欢的歌手/乐队或作曲家:
  4. 你的偶像/榜样:
  5. 你认为最棒的一部电影:
  6. 你梦想的工作:
  7. 你最喜欢的一本书:
  8. 你喜欢的娱乐活动:
  9. 你最喜欢的一个人物(小说、电影、电视中的):
  10. 你认为最伟大的一项发明:
IV. 活动概述
   简要描述一下你所参加的活动,包括获得的奖项。每个活动都请提供一下信息:活动名称,参加时的年级,每周活动的小时数,每年活动的周数,活动内容描述,你的角色,如:西班牙语俱乐部,9-12年级,每周2小时,每年30周,语言类的俱乐部旨在加强对西班牙语和西班牙文化的理解,低年级时被选为优秀会员 高年级时被选为会长。
  1. 学校或机构组织的活动(包括体育竞赛、辩论赛、学术竞赛、社区服务、文化宗教机构举办的活动等)
  2. 工作经历
  3. 暑期活动、研讨会等
  4. 其他特别的经历或背景或特长
  5. 假如自高中阶段起你的学业出现过中断,请按时间顺序详细描述你中断学业期间的经历
New York University
Personal statements
Character availabel 500
  1. Please tell us what led you to select both your anticipated academic area(s) of study and the NYU school / college / program or the Abu Dhabi campus. What interests you most about your intended discipline? Mention any extracurricular or non-school-related activities or experiences that demonstrate your interest.
  2. NYU is 'In and of the City' and 'In and of the World.' What does the concept of a global network university mean to you? How do you think studying in New York City, Abu Dhabi, or one of NYU's global sites would change you as a person and equip you to build cross-cultural relationships at NYU and beyond?
  3. If you had the opportunity to bring any person -- past or present, fictional or nonfictional -- to a place that is special to you (your hometown or country, a favorite location, etc), who would you bring and why? Tell us what you would share with that person.
For Applicants to NYU Abu Dhabi only:Summarize a research project that you would like to undertake as an NYU Abu Dhabi student to gain a deeper understanding of one particular topic of interest to you in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Please use the information on the UAE Interact Web site www.uaeinteract.com for ideas. Pose a research question (in one sentence) and describe how you would gather information to answer your question. Discuss possible obstacles that might arise in your research as well as any ethical dimensions of the research to which you would need to be attentive.
  1. 请告诉我们是什么致使你同时选择了预期的学术领域的研究和纽约学校/学院/项目或者阿布扎比校园。在你未来的学科中你对哪个最感兴趣?说说任何能够展示你兴趣的课外的或者和学校没有关系的活动或者经验。
  2. 纽约大学是“在城市中且是城市的”和“在世界中且是世界的”。全球网络大学的概念对你来说有什么意义?你认为在纽约市,阿布扎比或者纽约大学全球网站之一学习将如何改变你作为一个人并如何使你在纽约大学内或外具备建立跨文化的关系?
  3. 如果你有一个能够带任何人——过去或限制,虚构的或是现实的——去一个对你来说特别的地方(你的故乡或者祖国,一个最喜欢的地方等等),你将会带谁去?为什么?告诉我们你将会和那个人分享什么。
University of Wisconsin-Madison
(From Online Application)
You may wish to prepare your statements in a word processor to take advantage of spell check and be able to take as much time with them as you need, then copy and paste them below. Note that special formatting will not be retained. If you do type the statements below, be sure to save your work every 15 minutes (click the "Save" link below the box). If the browser session times out, any changes since the last save will be lost.   
Statement 1: (無字數限制)
The University values an educational environment that provides all members of the campus community with opportunities to grow and develop intellectually, personally, culturally and socially. In order to give us a more complete picture of you as an individual, please tell us about the particular life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests you will bring to our campus. In other words, how will your presence enrich our community?
Statement 2: (無字數限制)
Tell us about your academic goals, circumstances that may have had an impact on your academic performance, and, in general, anything else you would like us to know in making an admission decision.
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Application Essays
uEssay 1: In an essay of 300 words or less, please discuss your academic interests and/or professional goals.
uEssay 2: In an essay of 300 words or less, choose one extracurricular activity, work experience, or community service project from the list you provided on the application and explain why you initially chose it, why you continued with it, and how you benited from it.
  • 题目1:用600字简述你的学术兴趣或专业目标。
  • 题目2:从你申请列表中选择一项课外活动、工作经验、或是社会服务,并解释为何你最初会选择这项活动,为何会继续,你又从中获得了什么?(600字内)
University of Washington
2010 International Freshman Applicants
Sections A and B are required, section C is optional.
A. Personal Statement – Choose either 1 or 2. Recommended length: 500-650 words.
1.     Discuss how your family’s experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals.
2.     Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.
B.  Short Response – Choose one of the following two topics and write a short essay. Maximum length: 250 words
1.   The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community?
2.   Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it?
C.  Activities Log – Activities, Leadership, Achievements, Community and School Service, Employment (Optional)
Directions: Identify and describe up to five of the most significant activities you have participated in during secondary school, grades 9-12 (please do not include activities from elementary or junior high school). Your Activities Log should include school activities, skills, employment, leadership roles, church involvement, research, personal enrichment, and/or community service.
Format: List the title of each activity, the year(s) you were involved in the activity (from when to when), and the specific time commitment for your involvement, e.g. “2 hours a week, once a month” or “once for 6 hours.” For each activity, write a substantial paragraph about why this activity had meaning for you. Don’t just list the activity, but describe your level of involvement, the importance it had to you, and what that activity tells us about you as an individual.
Additional Comments (Optional, and only for domestic freshman applicants)
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
A. 个人陈述-选择题1或题2。建议字数长度:1000-1300字。
1. 简述是怎样的家庭背景或是文化历史丰富了你并给予你机遇或挑战使你继续追求你的教育目标。
2. 从自身生活出发,简述一段能展示或帮助你性格形成的经历。
1. 华盛顿大学力求为学生营造一个在文化背景,个人经历和观点完全多样话的社区。请问你对学校有哪些贡献?
2. 描述一段文化差异的经历,无论是积极的、消极的,或你经历的、观察到的。你从中学到了什么?
  • 说明:列举并描述至少五项你在高中、9-12年级时参加过的重要活动(不包括小学或初中)。内容应包含学校活动,技能,工作经历,领导角色,教会参与,研究,自身进步以及/或社区服务。
  • 格式:列举每项活动的抬头,参加活动的起止时间,参加活动的具体时间,例如:“一周两小时,一月一次”或是“一次六小时”。每项活动都要着重突出其为何对你意义重大,而不是仅仅列举参加活动的名称。
Pennsylvania State University
Essays 2010
Career Goals:
Include a bri statement of your plans for the field of study you wish to pursue. This should include your reasons for studying your chosen field, your intended area of specialization within this field, and a bri description of the career you plan to follow after completion of this course of study at Penn State.
Personal Statement
Please use the space below to tell us about your preparation for college. Explain any interruptions in your schooling, e.g. military service or employment. Please tell us bout your important timecommitments other thanacademic work (for example, school organization, jobs, the arts, service, and athletics).
University of Florida
The Personal Essay
Please submit one essay. Remember to keep within the 500-word maximum length. (The counter on the page counts down from the 3885-CHARACTER limit, which is approx. 450 words with room for spacing between paragraphs.)
Essay Topic
In the space provided, please write a concise narrative in which you describe a meaningful event, experience or accomplishment in your life and how it will affect your college experience or your contribution to the UF campus community. You may want to rlect on your ideas about student responsibility, academic integrity, campus citizenship or a call to service.

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