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  申请人递交的Essay质量好坏与能否成功拿到美国商学院MBA录取有密切关系,下面我们为各位搜集整理了一些美国MBA申请Essay写作的精华句子和模板,希望对大家的Essay写作有所启发。以下是关于申请人Diversity and Other Qualifications的Essay模板:

  Besides ______, other relevant information for the Admissions Committee to take into consideration are [my work ethic, the diversity of my work background, my active participation in the community and my anticipated active participation in both the classroom, student organizations and other aspects of the ______ community.

  My overall work experience has been quite diverse having had exposure to many business sectors, both private and public sector, including [academia, student services, medical research, healthcare, finance, banking, legal and currently entertainment.

  I have a few personal characteristics that have led me to this career choice and that will ultimately allow me to be successful. I posses a ______ that prepares me for success.

  Rerences: Business Week, ., EEC ...

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