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  Short Answers

  At Groton we want to know our applicants well. Learning about your values and life experiences will help us greatly. The following questions involve topics both lighthearted and serious. Please provide us with a few sentences to answer each question.

  1. What do you love to do?

  2. Which three words would you use to describe yourself?

  3. Describean activity you have found to be especially absorbing.

  4. How have you been helpful to other people?

  5. What makes you laugh out loud?

  6. What is the most interesting thing you have learned in the past year?

  7. What do you like about the school you are attending now?

  8. What is your favorite place to be?

  9. Describe one of your talents and how you developed it.

  10. For what are you gratul?


  Please respond with approximately 150 words to the single question in Part A and 300-400 words to one of the three questions in Part B.

  A. What in particular do you like about Groton?

  B. Please respond to one of the following questions:

  1. What are the ingredients of a meaningful life?

  2. True or False: “What goes around, comes around.”

  3. Which people, places or experiences have had the biggest impact on your character and view of the world?


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