


刚刚更新 编辑: 马来西亚 浏览次数:662 移动端

  马来西亚gre机经,570 + 800 如释重负...用老闆的带薪假突击 GRE 总共一个半月, 加上自己的 paper 申请美国应该够用了...言归正传.

  今天早上起来看到印度JJ帖, 据说换题库, 但仔细一看其实只是加了两到叁个新题. 大家要淡定, 题库没换.

  新题陆续有来. 考试时最重要的是稳定心态. 这已是我的二战, 上次在新加坡就是因为碰到新题, 心态没把握好而吃亏. 根据经验, ETS 每天会加一点点新题"冲淡" JJ, 而新题往往出现在考试的前部份. 如果一上来就怀着碰到 JJ 的态度, 那会很挫败. 最不可取的是不看题干而直接看选项, 当找不到 JJ 时就会十分惊慌, 反过来重新看题目. 正确的方法是, 带着平时做题的感觉顺着读题, 如果碰不到 JJ 就认真做, 如果碰到JJ那最好, 读题的时间也不浪费, 可以保证对题目的準确把握.

  今天考试, 前半部份碰到少量类反新题, 填空没有碰到 JJ 但难度不大; 后半部份的类反为纯 JJ 流.

  以下是新鲜的 JJ:


  [38] In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.


  没找到塬题, 大致和下面这篇类似. 不同点在于寻求连任的现任州长的对手是另外一个州的州长, 那个州长的任期内企业只增加了几家.

  The following appeared as a part of an advertisement for Adams, who is seeking reelection as governor.

  “Re-elect Adams, and you will be voting for proven leadership in improving the state’s economy. Over the past year alone, seventy percent of the state’s workers have had increases in their wages, five thousand new jobs have been created, and six corporations have located their headquarters here. Most of the respondents in a recent poll said they believed that the economy is likely to continue to improve if Adams is reelected. Adams’s opponent, Zebulon, would lead our state in the wrong direction, because Zebulon disagrees with many of Adams’s economic policies.”


  FLAG : FATIGUE = ? (1st) // 据说是 JJ ... 可惜我没蒐集到...

  PLACEBO : INNOCUOUS = venom : noxious

  EVANESCENT : VANISH = periodic : recur

  一边翻自己蒐集的 JJ 一边想, 只有这么多了. 其它的类比题没见过, 不过貌似都不难.


  ABSTRUSE <> patent

  CADENCED <> arrhythmic

  MANIFEST <> latent

  PROFUSE <> stinting

  RANKLE <> soothe

  CACOPHONY <> 貌似没有 euphony 这个答案, 我选的是其它的, 不难

  DEFT <> clumsy

  HAIRBREADTH <> ample margine

  AFFECTED <> natural

  反义就是纯 JJ 流了, 做得比较开心.

  填空没有碰到 JJ, 不难, 顶硬上...

  阅读一时半会想不起来了, 要回忆下...



  马来西亚gre机经,570 + 800 如释重负...用老闆的带薪假突击 GRE 总共一个半月, 加上自己的 paper 申请美国应该够用了...言归正传.

  今天早上起来看到印度JJ帖, 据说换题库, 但仔细一看其实只是加了两到叁个新题. 大家要淡定, 题库没换.

  新题陆续有来. 考试时最重要的是稳定心态. 这已是我的二战, 上次在新加坡就是因为碰到新题, 心态没把握好而吃亏. 根据经验, ETS 每天会加一点点新题"冲淡" JJ, 而新题往往出现在考试的前部份. 如果一上来就怀着碰到 JJ 的态度, 那会很挫败. 最不可取的是不看题干而直接看选项, 当找不到 JJ 时就会十分惊慌, 反过来重新看题目. 正确的方法是, 带着平时做题的感觉顺着读题, 如果碰不到 JJ 就认真做, 如果碰到JJ那最好, 读题的时间也不浪费, 可以保证对题目的準确把握.

  今天考试, 前半部份碰到少量类反新题, 填空没有碰到 JJ 但难度不大; 后半部份的类反为纯 JJ 流.

  以下是新鲜的 JJ:


  [38] In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.


  没找到塬题, 大致和下面这篇类似. 不同点在于寻求连任的现任州长的对手是另外一个州的州长, 那个州长的任期内企业只增加了几家.

  The following appeared as a part of an advertisement for Adams, who is seeking reelection as governor.

  “Re-elect Adams, and you will be voting for proven leadership in improving the state’s economy. Over the past year alone, seventy percent of the state’s workers have had increases in their wages, five thousand new jobs have been created, and six corporations have located their headquarters here. Most of the respondents in a recent poll said they believed that the economy is likely to continue to improve if Adams is reelected. Adams’s opponent, Zebulon, would lead our state in the wrong direction, because Zebulon disagrees with many of Adams’s economic policies.”


  FLAG : FATIGUE = ? (1st) // 据说是 JJ ... 可惜我没蒐集到...

  PLACEBO : INNOCUOUS = venom : noxious

  EVANESCENT : VANISH = periodic : recur

  一边翻自己蒐集的 JJ 一边想, 只有这么多了. 其它的类比题没见过, 不过貌似都不难.



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