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  One by one, they emerged through a swinging door, out of a pit a half-mile deep, pumping fists and hugging family. A great-grandfather. A 44-year-old who proposed a church wedding for his wife. A 19-year-old greeted by his father.

  他们一个接一个地从半英里(约805米)深处陆续升井,走出转门,击拳庆祝,与家人拥抱。他们当中,有一位曾祖父,一位44岁刚向妻子求婚的男子,一位 19岁的男孩激动地与父亲团聚。

  The most striking thing about Wednesday's ongoing rescue of 33 trapped Chilean miners, after 70 days underground, was how easy it looked. The Phoenix rescue capsule that gave each man a trip to freedom seemed more like an off kilter elevator than a part of history's most audacious mining rescue.


  Nothing about the San Jose rescue was easy, of course. Every aspect of the mission was planned and patiently managed, from initial forts to locate survivors of the Aug. 5 cave-in to NASA's input on the rescue capsule that brought them home. Even so, as the 28th man and counting appeared Wednesday evening, Chileans acknowledged the proceedings were blessed with an element of luck.


  "It was 75% engineering and 25% a miracle," said topographer Macarena Valdes.


  Ms. Valdes was speaking of her own role in the rescue, as she augmented science with a touch of gut instinct to help guide rescuers' probe drills into the rock, in hopes of finding survivors, in the days after the miners' disappearance. Her method paid off on Aug. 22, when rescuersbored a tiny hole into the chambers where the men had taken ruge, and the miners tapped back.


  Throughout the miners' ordeal, and under an international gaze, Chile's rescue operation ran with surgical precision and extracted the men far sooner than the government's initial December estimate. As Wednesday's rescue wore on, miners emerged at an accelerated rate.


  Florencio Avalos was the first to surface, shortly after midnight Wednesday local time, to a tearful reunion4 with a young son and a hug from Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.


  The second miner out, 40-year-old Mario Sepulveda, appeared more than an hour later, pumping his fist and running around leading chants of "C-H-I-L-E! Chi-Chi-Chi-Le-Le-Le! The Miners of Chile." From a bag he had brought up with him, he elaborately5 presented mine rocks to officials.


  Then they began to come every 45 minutes, and faster still. Following the late afternoon rescue of miner NO.25, Renan Avalos -the 29-year-old brother of Florencio, the first out -a government official who asked not to be named said: "The Phoenix is now doing the round trip in about 25 minutes."


  No. 17, Omar Reygadas -a 56-year-old father of six, grandfather of 14 and great-grandfather of four -came out at noon Wednesday. It was his third time trapped underground.


  No. 21 had explaining to do: As Yonni Barrios had waited to be rescued for weeks under half a mile of rock, his wife of 31 years -and the rest of Chile, through the local media-discovered that he had a mistress keeping vigil6 at the site, too. Mr. Barrios had been separated from his wife, the papers said, but had told her he was living on his own.


  No. 24 was Jose Henriquez, 55, who had asked for 33 small Bibles to be sent to the miners so he could lead a prayer group.


  With the rescue pod making the round trip faster every time Wednesday evening, the sun over the Atacama desert gave way to a cold night. Nos.26 and 27 emerged. The mood turned visibly more festive.


  The moment followed weeks of darkness that began with the Aug. 25 cave-in.

  在这一时刻到来之前,矿工们从8月 25日矿井胡塌以来经历了长达数周的黑暗。

  Looking at the survival rate of other mining-accident victims, it initially was hard for the rescuers to be optimistic. The record-holders for surviving a cave-in, three Chinese miners in Guizhou province, had chewed coal to sate their hunger during the 25 days they spent underground in 2009.


  More typical was the 2006 accident in Pasta de Conchos, Mexico, where 65 workers were trapped deep in a coal mine after an underground explosion. In that case, rescuers considered themselves fortunate merely to have retrieved some corpses.

  更常见的是2006年发生在墨西哥Pasta de Conchos的那类矿难,当时一场地下爆炸令65名矿工被困煤矿矿底。在这起矿难中,最终只找到了部分遇难者的尸体,即便是这样,救援人员也认为他们够幸运了。

  After the world lost contact with the miners, it was the job of Ms. Valdes, the topographer, to help set the direction of the drilling rigs that sent probes deep into the rock to try to locate any surviving miners. Through 17 days, it seemed hopeless. "It was like using a shotgun to hit a mosquito at 700 meters," she said. "It wasn't impossible, but very difficult. "

  在外界与矿工们失去联系后,为钻探设备选取正确方向、以便探测仪能顺利深入岩石层锁定幸存矿工的正确位置,就成了地形学者瓦尔德斯的任务。整整 17天,一切似乎毫无希望。她说,这就好像是用猎枪射击700米以外的一只蚊子,不是不可能,但极其困难。

  Even after some 30 probes failed to find the mark, Ms. Valdes stuck with a hunch: She always shifted the angle of the drill about one degree lower than recommended by geologists in the planning department, to adjust for vibration8 in the drilling rig. One degree could mean a difference of several feet in the field , which could be a matter of life or death for the miners.


  Her method finally worked on Sunday, Aug. 22, when the probe she directed found its way to the miners' underground ruge.

  最终,她的方法在8月 22日见效了。那天是个星期天,由她定位的探测仪找到了矿工们的地下避难所。

  Then , rescuers developed their own technological arsenal, which combines modified mining gear with equipment commonly used by astronauts and submariners.


  Rescuers began supplying the trapped men with provisions through a five-inch-diameter shaft. They used the conduits to send small tubes, known as palomas, literally carrier pigeons, ingeniously stuffed with essentials such as bottled water, camping cots and chest straps to monitor their health.


  The lifeline gave rise to a high-technology life underground. The men wore clothing made with a bacteria-killing copper fiber, watched movies on a projector built into a cellphone, and communicated with rescuers over an ultra-flexible fiber-optic cable that maintains transmission capacity while twisting through rocky crags deep below ground.


  Chilean officials assigned psychologists and a personal trainer by video conference to tend to the miners. Given the mens' sensitive condition , nutritionists cooked food at high temperatures to guard against infection by bacteria in the minutes between its packaging and its trip down the tube.


  To bore through the rock to reach the miners, the government created a kind of friendly competition among three different drills, one of which was so massive it had to be hauled by a 40-truck convoy. Chilean Naval engineers worked overtime designing the 14-foot, 900-pound capsule that hoisted the men out of the mine. It was equipped with a communications system and oxygen supply.


  Observers say some of the innovation and management rlects Mr. Pinera's background as a billionaire entrepreneur who ran a successfulairline. Mr. Pinera made such a big bet on getting the miners out that a political scientist dubbed him "the 34th miner"-suggesting his ownfate was linked to that of the men below.


  "The government has done a superb job in boosting public morale," said Riordan Roett, a Latin America scholar at Johns Hopkins University. "Pinera has rallied the Chilean people, traumatized after the earthquake, and has given his administration a human and sympathetic face."


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