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  由《哈利波特》中赫敏出道的英国女星艾玛·沃特森又一次登上了杂志封面,这次为《Teen Vogue》8月刊拍摄照片。已经更加成熟的赫敏,让人们又一次的感受到了她十足的魔力。带有魔法幻觉的时尚效果,将一个成熟英气的女性造型完美展现。

  Emma Watson is fierce and elegant on the cover of Teen Vogue&aposs August 2013 issue, which hits newsstands on July 2!

  近日艾玛·沃特森为《Teen Vogue》杂志8月刊拍摄了封面照,小魔女的造型狂野优雅,英气十足。该期杂志将于7月2日发售。

  Here is what the 23-year-old Bling Ring actress had to share with the mag:

  23岁的艾玛·沃特森之前主演了《珠光宝气》,以下是她和《Teen Vogue》杂志分享的一些想法:

  On her early success: “I think, in a way, I was very protected during Harry Potter, because I was working all the time. I would get in the car, go to the studio, and go home…Harry Potter was so massive, I don’t know if [my other projects] would even touch it, honestly, even make a dent.”


  On walking the red carpet: “Every now and again, I feel a bit wobbly bore hitting a red carpet. So it’s always nice to bring friends, especially because I love to see their reactions. It’s not normal to get out of a car and have, like, 80 people screaming at you, and so when they say, ‘This is crazy,’ it makes me feel slightly more sane.”


  On her future plans: “I wish so badly that I could have a plan. I’m someone who likes to be organized and know what she’s doing, and this industry just does not permit that in any shape or form.”


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