

【新词新意】软面行李箱 Soft-sided luggage.

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  听到有人抱怨自己工作太忙、活太多的时候,我们可能会用一句“能者多劳”来安慰他们。在英语中,我们管这类人叫做soft-sided luggage(软面行李箱),意思是说他们像这行李箱一样总有空间装更多的东西。

  Soft-sided luggage rers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment. They, like soft-side luggage, seemingly expand to handle the workload. Of course, they completely collapse on weekends.


  For example:

  Jenny is like a soft-sided luggage in the office. She is taking most of the assignments and can always handle them properly.


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