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207. (T-4-Q30)

  Unlike the short flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which carried sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries, a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its own electricity.

  A. the short flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which carried sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries,

  B. the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, with sufficient enough power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights,

  C. the short flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which enabled them to carry sufficient enough power in fuel cells and batteries,

  D. the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights, (D)

  E. the flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, whose shortness allowed them to carry sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries,

  题目释义:Unlike the shuttle and earlier spacecraft,…., a permanently orbiting space station…



  1. 比较结构双方应对等(看见是比较考点时,最重要的是找到比较对象)。

  2. with结构。

  3. 同义词重复。



  A. 比较对象不对等,Unlike后的关键字是the short flights,而比较对象是a space station

  B. Sufficient和enough同义词重复;With引导独立主格结构有修饰歧义

  C. 比较对象错误同A;which指代的是shuttle and earlier spacecraft,它们逻辑上无法成为enable的动作发出者;them指代不清晰;sufficient和enough同义词重复

  D. Correct;句子含义为shuttle和spacecraft有能力带足够完成短程飞行的power

  E. 比较对象错误同A;whose指代flights,them指代不清晰;逻辑错误,并不是短程允许了他们可以带足够的power,而是他们能带足够的power来完成短程飞行


  1. 关于夹心修饰 (by aeoluseros):

  所以歧义修饰,是因为引发了不同的理解,而并不是语法上是否会有不同的修饰,所谓夹心修饰也是这个原则。很多人对“夹心修饰”都有过一个误解,认为S, v-ing, V. + O.结构中,v-ing既可以往前修饰S,也可以往后修饰V就是夹心,而实际上夹心并不是“可以往前修饰S,也可以往后修饰V” 。在S, v-ing, V. + O.这样的表达中,v-ing约定俗成只伴随修饰动词,见下例:

  prep 2-104 The yield per acre of coffee berries varies enormously, because a single tree, depending on its size and on climate and altitude, is able to produce enough berries to make between one and twelve pounds of dried beans a year.

  这个句子里depending不能改为dependent,因为depending和dependent的区别在于,前者伴随修饰谓语动词is able to produce,后者则是修饰名词single tree,会造成逻辑上不对 —— “一棵树依靠它的size”。

  2. Windmaple:以下redunancy word list兼出自官方资料:

  lag behind, by xx% (less)

  from ... (down/up) to

  rise (higher)

  then .. (subsequently)

  now .. (currently)

  (to someone,) Paris is someone&aposs home

  enable someone to (be able to)

  continue, and (have already done)

  (up) until…

  per capita consumption ... (per person)

  each year ... (annually)

  (consistently) ... doing sth.

  also ... (as well)

  the more ..., the more ..., become (increaseingly)

  there is (continuous) sth occurring

  someone is doing sth (continuously)

  (so) in order to

  then (later)

  then (subsequently)

  208. (GWD-11-40)

  Scientists who studied the famous gold field known as Serra Pelada concluded that the rich lode was not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but that swarms of microbes over millions of years concentrated the gold from jungle soils and rivers and rocks.

  A. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but that swarms of microbes over millions of years

  B. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but instead swarms of microbes over millions of years that

  C. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but swarms of microbes over millions of years that

  D. produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but by swarms of microbes that over millions of years (D)

  E. produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but that swarms of microbes over millions of years

  题目释义:Scientists studied the famous god filed not by…but by…



  1、not…but…后面要平行,如not by…but by…


  A. not produced by…but that不平行

  B. not by…but swarms搭配错误;but instead语义重复;that位置错误,使得状语over millions of years修饰对象不清

  C. not by…but不平行

  D. correct;Not by…but by正确

  E. 错误同A


  1. 看见这类单纯的考平行的题,可以迅速看选项选择。

  2. windmaple: 如果but后面接名词是不能有instead的,因为but是介词;但是如果but后面接动词就变成了连词,中间加副词instead没问题。Prep07 1-73:Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.





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