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198. (GWD-1-Q23)

  Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally dorested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest.

  A. which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning

  B. which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn

  C. which removes only selected trees, along with surface fires that burn

  D. removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning (B)

  E. removing only selected trees, as well as surface fires that burn

  题目释义:…, but such work has not addressed either logging, which…, or surface fires, that burn…but do not denude the forest…


  1. 定语从句与分词短语作定语的区别:

  1) 定语从句强调具体时间具体动作,以及动作的一次性;

  1. 分词短语强调笼统不确定的时间,抽象/客观/重复性/多次性的行为

  2) 都可以接受时,分词短语优于定语从句(更简洁),定语从句要转换为分词短语(但不能引起歧义或破坏平行)

  3) 定语从句包含情态动词时不能转化为分词短语

  4) ing分词的完成时态不能充当名词的定语,必须转化为定语从句n.+ having done —》n. that…

  2. either…or平行搭配



  A. which is the removal表达不简洁;either…. as well as搭配错误;Burning和denude不平行

  B. Correct;either … or的平行,removes和burn的平行。

  C. either…along with搭配错误。

  D. Burning和denude不平行

  E. either…. as well as搭配错误;

  199. (GWD5-Q4)

  The Quechuans believed that all things participated in both the material level and the mystical level of reality, and many individual Quechuans claimed to have contact with it directly with an ichana (dream) experience.

  A. contact with it directly with

  B. direct contact with it by way of

  C. contact with the last directly through

  D. direct contact with the latter by means of (D)

  E. contact directly with the mystical level due to

  题目释义:Q believed that all things participated in both A and B, and many Q claimed to have direct contact with the latter by means of…



  1. 通过…方式:through… /by means of…/with…/by way of…


  A.it指代不清;directly有修饰contact或with an ichana experience的歧义:修饰contact时意为通过ichana来直接接触,修饰with短语意为只能通过ichana来接触(不一定是直接接触)


  C.两者之间的后者应该用later;directly有修饰contact或through an ichana experience的歧义:修饰contact时意为通过ichana来直接接触,修饰through短语意为只能通过ichana来接触(不一定是直接接触)。

  D. Correct;direct直接修饰contact最合理

  E. due to不能引导表原因,用此逻辑不符;directly错误同A

  200. (T-3-Q14)

  A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted.

  A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if

  B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat

  C. tending not to bother to recover a perishable treat it

  D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat (D)

  E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat it

  题目释义:A scrub jay can remember ..., …, and tends not to bother recovering a treat…



  1. 主谓一致

  2. 固定搭配:

  1) Tend用法

  Tend to do sth -- If something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again

  Tend to sb/sth 照顾

  2) Bother(费功夫)的固定搭配:

  (not) bother to do something He didn&apost bother to answer the question.

  not bother about/with He didn&apost bother with a reply.

  (not) bother doing something Many young people didn&apost bother voting.

  3. scrub jay 林鸟


  A. tend单复数错误,应为单数,对应主语A scrub jay;if从句省去主谓,还原后主语是jay而不是treat,错误;Bother to do/bother doing都是对的

  B. they指代不明,与scrub jay单复数不一致

  C. and后分句少谓语;it多余,有了it,指代的是jay,后面的stored要用stores,因为it stores long enough已经是一个定语从句,但此时have rotted作为it即jay的动作又逻辑不合理,所以依然错误

  D. Correct;tends使用正确,主谓一致;bother doing用法idiomatic;stored后置定语修饰treat正确

  E. tend doing没有这种用法;it多余,错误同C





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